Green Funding: a “Where to” Guide

This capital access funding pathways map is designed to help businesses and sectors know where they can go for green capital.

Getting hold of capital to fund green initiatives, can be a huge hurdle for businesses and sectors to overcome.  As The Aotearoa circle was developing our Tourism, Agri & Seafood roadmaps, we heard this message frequently from a range of businesses and industries. 

To address this, the Aotearoa Circle convened leaders from major banks, government representatives, and the agriculture, tourism and seafood sectors. Together, they engaged in a series of discussions on how we could enhance access to capital for climate change adaptation and nature restoration.

With their input, we have co-developed this ‘funding pathways map’, which shows what sustainability funding is available in Aotearoa. This map will be updated as new green finance offerings become available. The Aotearoa Circle has committed to updating this live map until March 2025 and we welcome your suggestions to enhance or update the map, treating it as a living document so it can be maximally useful and relevant.

Click here or the map below to read more.


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