July 2022 Agri-Adaptation Roadmap Update

What we have done so far

The Agriculture Sector Adaptation Roadmap (ASAR) kicked off in April 2022, with the appointment of co-chairs to lead the workstream; Jenny Cameron, Chief Transformation Officer at Ministry for Primary Industries, and Craig Ellison, Chief Executive Officer at Ngāi Tahu Holdings.

The first Leadership Group (LG) meeting took place at the end of June, bringing together eleven leaders from across New Zealand’s agriculture sector. Their mandate is to ensure the project brings together an understanding of the effects of climate change on the sector, a strategy for adaptation to these effects, and a roadmap that prioritises key focus areas for the sector.

The Secretariat, PwC, has been working closely with the LG to finalise membership of the Technical Expert Group (TEG); securing members from across the agriculture sector supply chain. The first TEG workshop will take place in early July, to identify and prioritise the top climate change related risks to the sector.

Key discussions from this month’s working groups

Scope of the project

The scope of the project has been confirmed, and this work will seek to:

  • Determine the key climate change related risks faced by the agriculture sector and the impact they may have on the sector.

  • Design a set of plausible climate change scenarios that will enable the sector to understand the risks it faces, supporting it to be proactive and flexible in its decision-making to future proof the sector.

  • Develop an adaptation strategy and roadmap of actions that the agriculture sector can implement in response to climate change.

Defining the agriculture sector

The Aotearoa New Zealand agriculture sector is complex and our first task has been to ensure we have defined the sector's supply chain and wider value chain clearly and considered all key stakeholders and activities. The graphic below showcases the revised agriculture sector supply chain, after receiving feedback from the co-chairs and LG.

The Secretariat is looking forward to an exciting and busy month ahead - see below for key upcoming dates.

Friday 8th July: Technical Expert Group (TEG) workshop on climate change related risks

Thursday 21st July: Co-chairs meeting #2

Thursday 28th July: LG meeting #2

Thursday 4th August: Co-chairs meeting #3

Friday 8th August: TEG workshop on scenario analysis


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