KPMG appointed Secretariat for New National Food Strategy workstream

KPMG has been appointed secretariat to facilitate a National Food Strategy (NFS), which was discussed and prioritised by Partners at the Fenwick Forum in June.

New Zealand’s lack of a NFS has become a point of discussion over the last year with momentum building for its development. The frailties of the global food system have been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, as have the weaknesses in New Zealand’s food system. The project has the potential to protect and restore our natural capital for future generations.

The preparation of a NFS will take time. The scope of work seeks to build on current momentum to explore a strategy while acknowledging sufficient time for interested parties to prepare for, and contribute to, the process.

The work will be split into two phases. Phase 1 will develop the foundation for Phase 2 next year – when it will actually prepare the strategy. There will be a formal launch after a Leadership Group has been convened.

KPMG will facilitate and develop the necessary Phase 1 activities (research to identify key issues and leading practice from national/global examples, who the stakeholders are and how we engage them effectively to drive this forward, how the actual process for the National Food Strategy be set up, etc.)

Phase 1 will take place October – January and aim to have a planning document completed for the Aotearoa Circle Board to consider before the launch of Phase II.


MBIE CEO Carolyn Tremain joins the Aotearoa Circle Board.


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