December 2022 Agriculture Adaptation Roadmap Progress Update

What we have done this month

The final workshops for the project were completed in the past month, taking place in both Wellington and Christchurch. We used these sessions to build upon the Auckland workshop, to further develop and extend our initial discussions. The purpose of these workshops was to take the identified challenges and use them to discover our opportunities and set actions to achieve. We also evaluated the opportunities based on their level of impact, likelihood of success, and level of urgency. This was done to ensure we are prioritising the opportunities that the sector is best placed to create tangible impact and collectively respond and adapt to climate change.

We also brought the Leadership Group (LG) together for a review session, where they discussed:

  • The review feedback of the scenario narratives, including finalising key definitions and terms.

  • The adaptation roadmap framework, including establishing the vision and mission for the roadmap, agreeing the goals and ambition statements, and considering the objectives and actions that had been proposed.

Our draft adaptation roadmap framework is as follows:

The Leadership Group are continuing to work to build out the actions and commitments that fall under each of the three objectives; Joined-up Leadership, Investment for Adaptation, and Industry-led Innovation.

We are also pleased to announce that we have completed the drafting of the scenario narratives for our three scenarios; Tū-ā-pae - stance in order, step in succession (Orderly), Tū-ā-hopo - misstep (Disorderly), and Tū-ā-tapape - faltered step, to fall (Hothouse).

 The Secretariat is looking forward to an exciting final stages of this mahi


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