June Circle Update

Energy and Transport Climate Change Scenarios Reports Out Soon – Your Invitation

For anyone with an interest in the future of either the energy or the transport sectors in New Zealand, you may wish to attend one or both of our upcoming webinars.  They will be a launchpad for our reports into the Climate Change Scenarios for these sectors.  The reports are a guide for businesses or other organisations which need to understand the potential climate-related risks they face and want to make decisions about how to prepare.

You can register to attend below.

Energy Climate Change Scenario Report launch, 20 June

Transport Climate Change Scenario Report launch 27 June:

Getting Ready on ESG

We have had a lot of interest in our report Protecting New Zealand’s Competitive Advantage, authored by the team at Chapman Tripp.  The report reveals how quickly things are changing in our key export markets, in terms of what is expected of Kiwi companies’ sustainability performance.  Already more than 80% of New Zealand’s exports by value are now going to countries with ESG reporting requirements either in force or proposed. 

If you would like to learn more about the report and the four ways New Zealand companies can be affected, you are welcome to join the upcoming webinar hosted by NZTE: A changing landscape – emerging sustainability and trade regulations for NZ exporters – Events – myNZTE

Please feel free to pass on this invitation to anyone you think might be interested.  The rapidly changing ESG landscape will impact every New Zealand company that exports or supports other organisations that do.


“Everyone should do it” – putting young people at the forefront of business decision making in New Zealand


Webinar - Launch of Modern Genetic Technology: Applications in Aotearoa Food and Fibre Production