The Fenwick Forum launches report with priority actions across food, transport and energy.

The Fenwick Forum was initiated in Covid-19 lockdown with a focus on ensuring a balanced recovery that considers our natural capital.

The Fenwick Forum was named after the late Sir Rob Fenwick who co-founded The Aotearoa Circle. Sir Rob had a unique ability to not only ‘see the complexity’ associated with systems level change but also to ‘cut through the complexity’ and identify pragmatic actions that could move New Zealand forward in a way that supports a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy.

The Fenwick Forum brought together a wide range of participants to explore how Covid-19 recovery plans might support the transformation of New Zealand’s food systems, energy systems and transport systems.

The aim of the Forum was to identify a pragmatic set of actions to accelerate progress on a list of existing initiatives/ ideas. Whilst new initiatives and ideas are important, due to the time pressures to commence the next phase of our recovery, it was felt that an increased level of focus should be given to more mature initiatives as they have the potential to move quickly to implementation.

Download the full report here.


It’s an island!


New Zealand not alone in looking for sustainable post Covid-19 rebuild according to report prepared for the Aotearoa Circle’s Fenwick Forum.