Webinar December 2022 | National Food Roadmap Update

This partner update webinar was hosted by The Aotearoa Circle's, Izzy Fenwick and DNA Design's Daniel Talbot. Daniel and Izzy presented an update on our National Food Roadmap, also known as The Mana Kai Initiative. The Mana Kai Initiative is a collaborative effort of multiple groups within the Aotearoa New Zealand food system to co-create a roadmap of solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing the system today. These challenges go to the heart of what it means to have a sustainable food system with equal access to affordable, nutritious, and sustainably grown kai. Guided by a Leadership Group that includes representatives as diverse as groups helping with food insecurity to farmers, nutritionists and scientists, Mana Kai has kōrero as its core approach and is grounded in Te Ao Māori wisdom and values. Ultimately, the Mana Kai Initiative is focused on creating a National Food Roadmap that reinforces mana for our people, our land and our food. The Mana Kai framework is based on three core values: Mana Kai - sustenance from food; Mana o te Whenua – natural energy of the environment; and Mana o te Tangata – harvesting and fair distribution of food.


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