Launch of Transport Sector Climate Scenarios

On the 27th of June, we launched the Transport Sector Climate Scenarios report. Figuring out what the future of our transport systems could look like, entailed some challenging conversations and those conversations continued at our launch event.  This webinar covers the content of the report and looks at the realities facing the sector.  The webinar begins with a keynote speech by Billie Moore, Chief Executive of the New Zealand Airports Association.  Alec Tang, Partner, Sustainable Value at KPMG and Sarah Bogle, Director, Sustainable Value, KPMG then provide in-depth analysis of the report itself.  Then Alec and Billie join panellists Abbie Bull (Head of Sustainability and Community, Z Energy) and Aaron Saunders (CFO, Turners Auctions) to ask (and answer) some provocative questions.


“Fear makes you act faster”– Is it time to change the way we speak about Climate Change?


July Circle Update