Webinar November 2021 | LCER Roadmap Update

This partner update webinar was presented by EY Associate Director, Infrastructure Advisory, Angela Ogier and EY Director of Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Matthew Cowie, who are facilitating The Circle's Low Carbon Energy Roadmap (LCER) workstream. The purpose of this workstream is to define a pathway to a low carbon energy system that ensures energy security, affordability, a healthy environment, and a just transition. Our world is changing rapidly. Climate change and other environmental impacts, pressure on our existing and aging infrastructure, economic inequality, and consumer vulnerability, all add up to the need for a new vision for our energy system. The Roadmap is being designed to inform Government thinking and decisions regarding emissions reductions, energy policy and future energy strategy. Data, insights and recommendations from the Roadmap may also inform the allocation of capital investment into the New Zealand energy sector.


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