Webinar September 2021 | Marine Adaptation Strategy Update

Our September partner update webinar was presented by KPMG Senior Manager, Dr Stefan Gray, who is facilitating our Marine Domain workstream to develop a climate change adaptation strategy for the seafood system of Aotearoa. He was joined by workstream Co-Chair Maru Samuels, CEO of Iwi Collective Partnership. Climate change presents a range of existential challenges for our seafood sector. Physical climate impacts including changing ocean temperatures, rising acidification and rapid species migration will alter the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of catching or farming marine organisms. Transitional factors such as changes in consumer preferences, new regulatory settings and rising fuel costs will likely require innovation on an unprecedented scale for the seafood organisations of today to remain prosperous in the future. For the first time, leaders and experts from government, iwi, industry, banking, research, and environmental NGOs have come together to address these challenges. They have begun to map out a strategy of what must be done to enhance the resilience and adaptive capacity of the seafood system of Aotearoa in order to ensure a thriving marine environment, blue economy, and seafood community is passed on to future generations.


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