Our strategy update 2022-2025

As we track towards 2035, the science tells us we still have an incredible amount of work to do if we are to restore our natural taonga and ensure a liveable planet for future generations.  

With this front of mind, the Aotearoa Circle Guardians and I have updated our strategy from 2022-2025 to ensure we stay focussed on our overarching vision: Sustainable prosperity for Aotearoa New Zealand.  

This important and timely update to our strategy was made available to our partners at a recent hui, and for the sake of transparency and accountability, is available here for prospective partners and aligned stakeholders to peruse.  

Some key points to takeaway:  

We have updated our mission from halting or reversing the decline of Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural capital to restoring natural capital for future generations.  

This important change acknowledges the current state of nature and that maintaining this level is not sufficient. If we are to achieve our shared goals of sustainable prosperity for Aotearoa, we must actively heal and restore nature.  

With this change to our mission comes revised plans to achieve it, under three strategic pou. 

  • Firstly, we will double our income through a new funding model, acknowledging there is increased interest from some partners to be even more engaged as well as varying capacity across current and potential partners to play a role in solutions.  

  • Secondly, we will develop our infrastructure, increasing in-house capacity, to better hold the completed workstream roadmaps. Project Leads will be appointed to drive tangible actions and implementation. We will embed a te ao Māori framework and continue to mature our processes and systems to be even more efficient.  

  • Finally, we will increase our influence by seeking partners, workstream participants and key stakeholders to hold up the Circle’s work. We will appoint a rangatahi advisory panel to hold us to account and formalise our engagement practices with key stakeholders. 

In summary:  

We will restore 

We will prioritise actions, execute and implement 

We will double our income, develop our infrastructure, and increase our influence 

Wrapped around these pou is a Board commitment to a timeline of 2035 – a line in the sand acknowledging that if key actions, policies, and innovations are not in place at this stage, we need to change the role of the Circle.  

This important decision creates a sense of urgency and focus for the Board, and highlights that if the necessary levers are not in place to achieve our 2050 goals and beyond, natural capital will not be in a state to support future generations.  

The coming three years are more important than ever. I look forward to working with our partners, old and new, to get this critical mahi done.  

Ngā mihi  

Vicki Watson  


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