Time to Listen to Our Young People

We’d like you to meet our RAP. Many of you will be aware of our Rangatahi Advisory Panel – every month in our newsletter we publish an interview with one of them (the RAP Perspective). You may also know that they are our shadow board of professionals under 30, who help guide our work at The Circle.

Now we want to invite you to meet them.  We are hosting an online webinar to introduce them to our Partners and beyond, and to help the wider Circle community understand why we have a RAP and how this model could benefit your business.

To register for this webinar, please click here. This is not just limited to Circle Partners, so please feel free to distribute this to other business contacts you think might be interested. 

Having a RAP has made a huge difference to the work of The Circle.  As an example (you may have heard us talk about before) our biotechnology work would not exist without them.  It was the RAP who asked in 2023 why we weren’t exploring the potential for the use of modern genetic technologies to address aspects of the climate and nature crises.  As Hinera Parker says in this month’s newsletter, young people are incredible. 


“Young People Are Incredible” – how to engage with them not just talk about them in business.


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